
At MOMA, a steady stream of data travels throughout every corner of the department. This includes data from LIMS systems and NGS sequencing, as well as data transfers and bioinformatic analyses.
For any modern laboratory, it is crucial to have a reliable and automated system that can guarantee prompt analyses, whether in research or diagnostic settings.
We develop, maintain, and support all our systems in-house, leveraging our expertise in software engineering, data science, and bioinformatics.
We work closely with researchers, variant interpreters, and the laboratory to ensure seamless collaboration, which allows us to provide tailored and effective data-driven solutions that cater to the unique requirements of each project.
Genetic analysis
At MOMA, we offer advanced clinical diagnostics via NGS analysis, which includes gene panels, WES, WGS, and RNA sequencing. We carry out extensive quality control and provide comprehensive variant calling services for SNVs, InDels, CNVs, and SVs.
Based on the final data analyses, which involve variant filtering and classification, we identify and report disease-causing and actionable variants. Our testing covers a range of medical conditions, including hereditary and somatic cancer, cardiac and endocrine diseases. We offer accurate diagnoses and treatment options based on patients' unique genetic makeup.
At MOMA, we are continually exploring new tools to improve genetic testing and clinical interpretation, including RNA sequencing for structural variants and expression analysis, Long Read Sequencing with Nanopore technology, and functional analysis of splicing variants.
Our ongoing research and development is focused on providing our clients with the most advanced and accurate genetic testing services possible.